Recently I have been thinking a lot about sainthood. The Magnificat (the little book that has all of the daily Mass readings in it) had a great reflection on sainthood. I'd like to share some of the greatness.
"He delights to see his goodness not just in himself, but reflected in thousands of different ways in all his creatures, so that, seeing him everywhere, we may be all the more amazed and happy at his generosity..."
I can't remember who said this but saints have saints as friends. Each person in our lives has so much to show us. We were made in the image and likeness of GOD. It warms my heart and I have a deep down love for all those in my life that show me who God is through their talents and their love everyday. From family to friends, to the lady at the check out, to the friendly face on the street that makes an intention to say "Good Morning" every day. We are so blessed to have friends that live their lives to become the best version of themselves and teach us to do the same.
Do you know SAINTHOOD is real? So we must strive for sainthood! Follow the Lord with your whole heart and give your whole life to Him. Everything, I mean EVERYTHING must be for God and giving Him glory every day. Even when it gets hard, give it to the Lord, He will never leave your side, He is forever in control.
There are many men and women up in heaven praying for us every day and moment. "And even if we do lose heart, they (the saints) do not lose heart, even if we are overcome by terror, they are not overcome by terror, even if we are broken by grief they are not broken by grief; and we are one with them in Christ, members of one another." Turn to the saints, they have so much to teach us!
Let's encourage each other to follow God with ALL of our hearts and to strive for the goodness of sainthood. Thanks for all those who show me everyday what it means to strive for sainthood.
Love to all!
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